PostgreSQL Cascade Replication Scenario: The cascading replication feature allows a standby server to accept replication connections and stream WAL records to other standbys, acting as a relay. This can be used to reduce the number of direct connections to the …
In this Tutorial i will expained how to add one extra slave on existing PostgreSQL replication without any downtime if you want to know more about cascade replication just go through my previous blog post How to Configure the cascade …
We have a master-slave replication configuration as follows. On the master: postgresql.conf has replication configured as follows (commented line taken out for brevity): max_wal_senders = 1 wal_keep_segments = 8 On the slave: Same postgresql.conf as on the master. recovery.conf looks like this: standby_mode = ‘on’ …
Switch Secondary/slave database to become read/write On the secondary server create the trigger file (as specified in recovery.conf) touch opt/PostgresPlus/9.2AS/data2/recovery.trigger Now connect again and check if your current live sessions/new sessions to the secondary database are able to do write …
In this script useful for automatic replication configure #!/bin/bash ##This is meanst to be run on the slave, with the masters ip as the passed variable. ($1) sourcehost=”$1″ datadir=/var/lib/postgresql/9.2/main archivedir=/var/lib/postgresql/9.2/archive archivedirdest=/var/lib/postgresql/9.2/archive #Usage if [ “$1” = “” ] || [ …
Why Order Blog Writing Services from We offer fast, reliable blogging services for agencies who need help with their overload. Partnering with us allows your own staff to focus on higher-level tasks like strategy, brand messaging, and marketing research. …
Following steps will help you to improve the Postgresql database server performance: First you have to issue the top command then see the process which one process is taking more CPU utilization then note that PID, if that process is postgres process means …
This script is very useful after Issue top command you will get PID which one Process taken More CPU Utilization example for 32696 is the most CPU utilization process means take the PID then run the following script it will …
Answer: To check your top command version and variant use the -v option $ top -v procps-ng version 3.3.9 This post focuses on the top command coming from the procps-ng project. This is the version available on most modern distros …
BTree My issue here is that the BTree index will be huge since afaict it will store duplicate values (it has too, since it can’t assume the table is physically sorted). If the BTree is huge I end up having …
Currently we want to take the backup what are the schema name having kafi and nijam. PreRequest: checking table rows count of particular table. Check the schema’s size. check the available backup location size. 1.List the schema whoose name start …
A sequential scan i.e when there is no index and postgres has to fetch all the data from disk are a problem area for a cache like this. Since a single seq scan can wipe all of the data from …
The Checkpoint parameters are again playing an importance role to improve the performance of PostgreSQL. Important Note: PostgreSQL 9.5 onwards you can use min_wal_size and max_wal_size instead of checkpoint_segments. If our PostgreSQL set up for heavy bulk operations, after setting the …
LIBPQ -Library Pooled Quota Details About Connected Users Using tools libpq is the C application programmer’s interface to PostgreSQL. libpq is a set of library functions that allow client programs to pass queries to the PostgreSQL backend server and to …
Keyword:Relation -Table,Pages – blocks,Records -Tubles,Row -Item,Datafiles -Files There are two separate access control mechanisms for shared disk buffers: 1.Reference counts (a/k/a pin counts) 2.Buffer content locks. 3.Actually,there’s a third level of access control: one must hold the appropriate kind of …