Prerequisites: 1. Same version of the PostgreSQL Database must be installed on both servers. 2. Configure the Password-less ssh authentication to use the “postgres” user. 3. Production server must operate in WAL archiving enabled mode by setting archive_mode and archive_command …
If slave Connection is Broken form master due to network issue or some some data mismatch so we have to rebuild the slave server by following below six steps . TO REBUILD THE STANDBY SERVER BY FOLLOWING THE SIMPLE 6 …
1. Avoid join if possible use subquery instead of join Note : subqueries can be slower than LEFT [OUTER] JOINS, but in my opinion their strength is slightly higher readability. select GPA from Student where sID in (select sID from Apply …
I.TAKING TABLE STRUCTRE BACKUP WITH THEIR’S OBJECT FILE NAME : In this script helpful to take backup (DDL’s) of procedure, function & table definition with seperate file system (object name) based on postgres schema , this script is mostly used …
PostgreSQL, the most advanced open source database, offer lots of compensation intended for the industry in excess of other database systems. It too is accessible used for almost every operating system with the latest even release. PostgreSQL support ACID (Atomicity, …
In this shell script will help you to take the backup of PostgreSQL table definition with different or individual file name as schema based. # Config: DB=”DBA” U=enterprisedb export PGPASSWORD=”tcs45″ export PGPORT=”5444″ export PGHOST=”″ TABLES=”$(/opt/edb/as9.6/bin/psql -d $DB -U $U -t …
Crontab file consists of command per line and have six fields actually and separated either of space or tab. The beginning five fields represent time to run tasks and last field is for command. Minute (hold values between 0-59) Hour (hold values …
Currently we want to take the backup what are the schema name having kafi and nijam. PreRequest: checking table rows count of particular table. Check the schema’s size. check the available backup location size. 1.List the schema whoose name start …
this script will take the postgresql base backup based on daily changes (if you scheduled daily) & it will delete the old backup if backup retention period is reached 2 days. you can call this as postgresql incremental backup Script …
This scripts are using to tar(zip compress) and remove more than 1 month old postgresql log and linux log file 1.This script used for moving and compressing older than 30 days log files: vi /home/postgres/eds/ find /data/emut16_slavedata/pg_log/ -mtime +30 | …
Currently two postgres server is running which are : : : postgres version : 9.6 By using following query you can find which server is master and slave , mster should be false (f) value and slave should …
Often, payroll and HR are the last divisions of small businesses to have committed teams since procedures seem to be easy for the existing employees to manage, which is not the case. The critical role that payroll management in HR plays in …
What’s the striking aspect of small businesses? It’s their limited workforce and resources. These businesses function with lower budgets and ensure that they thrive with fewer resources. In such a situation, it is not surprising to see blurring boundaries when …
We have access to the latest technology and skilled expertise to perform the payroll functions smoothly and hassle-free. Our payroll platform also provides a one-click payroll generation process through its user-friendly operational environment. This process is fast, secure, and free …
Streamlined Compliance Rayafeel’s payroll team is staffed with experts who have substantial experience in payroll management, taxes, and routine administrative aspects. Compliance can be a particularly pressing issue for smaller companies since regulations are often too complicated to be smoothly …