Step 1 – Installation of CFS dependencies CSF script requires perl modules , it is a csf dependencies module [root@nijam ~]# yum install perl-libwww-perl Loaded plugins: auto-update-debuginfo, fastestmirror, protectbase, refresh- : packagekit, security Setting up Install Process Loading mirror speeds …
MySQL server plays a vital role for your Linux Server. It runs all of your website’s databases, WHM/Cpanel control panel databases etc. MySQL service crash is very commonly faced error. There could be many reasons behind the failure of the service. In …
Besides Postgres PURE and our migration solution , you can contact us for knowledge and expertise in the field of PostgreSQL, middleware, Apache, Big Data technology, Hosting and Linux. Our professionals have many years of experience with these environments and …
PostgreSQL is a feature-rich, object-relational database. RayaFeeL ’s migration specialists are able to convert data from Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and DB2 databases to the PostgreSQL platform. After migration, our team provides you with the experience, skill-sets and best practices … offers a clear, comprehensive and scalable support package. This helpdesk is specifically designed to protect and secure your PostgreSQL data and databases. guarantees fast query support by a confirmed PostgreSQL expert. Our support formulas Basic formula Unlimited calls and …
RayaFeeL, leaders in remote DBA services, offer PostgreSQL support also to their customers. Our demonstrated delivery practices in DBA support services has ensured our customers continue to enhance their infrastructure with all possible database options including PostgreSQL. RayaFeeL’s Postgres DBA …
In this shell script will help you to take the backup of postgresql sequence definition with different or individual file name as schema based. # Config: DB=”postgres” U=enterprisedb export PGPASSWORD=”tcs@345″ export PGPORT=”5444″ export PGHOST=”″ TABLES=”$(/opt/edb/as9.6/bin/psql -d $DB -U $U -t …
First Note Down the server and database information for which server and which database do you want to schecdule backup(crontab) jobs. For example i’m taking following servers and databases for scheduling backup jobs. SERVER IP DATABASE …
This script will be helpful to enabling the audit related parameter automatically all entries in bash profile so you don’t need to set bin, if you type pg_ctl it will automatically update the all postgres path like pgdata,pghome pgdatabase.. create a file …
Physical backups are all-or-nothing – you take a full copy of the database cluster and you can restore all of it. The challenge is to make the backup consistent. Of course, the easiest way to do that would be to …
You can upgrade the postgreSQL Server with following anyone methods Method 1: Required More DownTime pg_upgrade (formerly called pg_migrator) allows data stored in PostgreSQL data files to be upgraded to a later PostgreSQL major version without the data dump/reload typically …
In this article I will share all the details regarding the upgrade of our databases on Amazon Cloud as well as unveil the reason why we ended up using Bucardofor asynchronous multi-master replication and why we have eventually upgraded our production …
This script is very useful after Issue top command you will get PID which one Process taken More CPU Utilization example for 32696 is the most CPU utilization process means take the PID then run the following script it will …
1.DDL-Data Definition Language, which is used to create and modify the structure of database objects in database. It’s a auto commit. automatically saved when you create,alter,drop,truncate,comment,rename commands issued ALTER – alters the structure of the existing database CREATE – to create database …
This script is useful for what are the query is running more than ‘x’ minutes(your input values) and that query status,you can list out the query as per your timing and query status bash-4.1$ cat bash-4.1$ HOSTNAME=`hostname` PSQL=”/opt/PostgreSQL/9.3/bin/psql” PORT=5432 HOST=”localhost” …