How to Compare both table values in postgres ?
Finding the Missing Records between two tables :
I. creating table structure for excel sheet table data’s , table name as temp.
II. Restore the Excel data on temp table then count the total records .
Steps for Postgres COPY :
While Importing CSV files with text fields that contain double quotes using COPY
1. connecting windows server
D: cd D:\PostgresPlus\9.4AS\bin psql -U enterprisedb -d tutorialdba
2.Sample Data’s :
"city_name"|"pincode"|"taluka_name"|"district_name"|"state_name" "Arong"|"744301"|"Car Nicobar"|"Nicobar"|"Andaman and Nicobar Islands" "Sawai"|"744301"|"Car Nicobar"|"Nicobar"|"Andaman and Nicobar Islands" "Chuckchucha"|"744301"|"Car Nicobar"|"Nicobar"|"Andaman and Nicobar Islands" "Kinyuka"|"744301"|"Car Nicobar"|"Nicobar"|"Andaman and Nicobar Islands" "Big Lapati"|"744301"|"Car Nicobar"|"Nicobar"|"Andaman and Nicobar Islands" "Perka"|"744301"|"Car Nicobar"|"Nicobar"|"Andaman and Nicobar Islands"
3.following copy command will neglect the double quote COPY ehis.temp FROM 'D:\2ndquadrant/nijamnew.csv' DELIMITER '|' CSV HEADER; ERROR: character with byte sequence 0x9d in encoding "WIN1252" has no equivalent in encoding "UTF8" CONTEXT: COPY citytemp, line 358646
You need to change the character set on your windows command line before running the script with chcp. Or in postgresql you can:
Before importing the file. SET CLIENT_ENCODING TO 'utf8'; SET COPY ehis.citytemp FROM 'D:\2ndquadrant/city_master_data.csv' DELIMITER '|' CSV HEADER; COPY 679249
got it below error once time after that changed
ERROR: character with byte sequence 0xe0 0xa4 0xaa in encoding "UTF8" has no equivalent in encoding "WIN1252" HealthCraft_DC=# set client_encoding to 'WIN1252'; SET
For Example,
if some column values missing means you have to insert null values which column is not values, for this purpose below command will be helpful to restore the data to that table
Example nijam.csv file contains following data means
id name 1 nijam 2 karthick nijam 4 5
So while copying the values you have to mention value oof null otherwise copy command will throw the error
COPY schema.table FROM 'D:\2ndquadrant\nijam.csv' delimiter ',' csv NULL AS 'null';
III. Count the Already existing table total records, the table name is perm
IV. comparing both table difference by using following anyone of the query
select city_name from ehis.temp T1 where not exists (SELECT cityname FROM ehis.perm T2 where T1.city_name = T2.cityname) (OR) select citytemp.city_name from ehis.temp,ehis.perm where temp.city_name<>perm.cityname (OR) select count(city_name) from ehis.temp where city_name not in (select cityname from ehis.perm) (OR) SELECT city_name FROM ehis.citytemp WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT cityname FROM ehis.citymaster WHERE citytemp.city_name = citymaster.cityname); (OR) select * from ehis.temp where city_name not in (select cityname from ehis.perm) ## If you want to create missing table records means you have to use CTAS method below command will be helpful to get missing records to some different table name. create table ehis.not_in_perm as select * from ehis.temp where city_name not in (select cityname from ehis.perm) ## This will return without duplication values : create table ehis.district as select DISTINCT(district_name),state_name from ehis.temp where district_name not in (select districtname from ehis.perm)
V. Copying the missing records table by using following postgres COPY command
copy ehis.not_in_perm to 'D:\2ndqu\nijam1.csv' with delimiter ',' CSV header;