In this Blog We are explained about How Many Resource want sample 2TB database migration from oracle to PostgreSQL and what their activities. Project Scope and Details: Oracle 12c to PostgreSQL migration Support. Analysis and Design PostgreSQL DB. PostgreSQL DB …
These AWS tutorial are suitable for both freshers and experienced professionals at any level. These tutorials are for intermediate to somewhat advanced AWS professionals, but even if you are just a beginner or fresher you should be able to understand the tutorials …
If you are thinking to move to Postgres Amazon Aurora instance, make sure you are aware of .. 1. Vendor lock in- it is not open source any more. You are at mercy of your vendor on upgrades etc. 2. …
First Note Down the server and database information for which server and which database do you want to schecdule backup(crontab) jobs. For example i’m taking following servers and databases for scheduling backup jobs. SERVER IP DATABASE …
In this postgresql backup and recovery process we are taking the actual backup from 63 server the database name is after that we will restore the backup to 185 server with different name of current server is windows …
Question ? while installing ZIP PHP Extension we got following error Installing PHP Extensions and Applications Package “Archive_Zip” Failed to download pear/Archive_Zip within preferred state “stable”, latest release is version 0.1.2, stability “beta”, use “channel://” to install install failed Answer: …
Prepared by PostgreSQL Cascade Replication Document Summary Information: Service Provider Customer(s) XXXX Date Created 26st MAR 2018 Prepared By vinith Reviewed By Sign Off Authority Prem Anand Cascading Replication: The cascading replication feature allows a standby server to accept …
Following simple Two steps you can connect the postgresql database automatically without any password prompt Step 1. create the bash_profile: []# cat .bash_profile export PGPASSWORD=”tcs@12345″ export PGHOST=”″ export PGUSER=”enterprisedb” export PGPORT=”5444″ /opt/edb/as9.6/bin/psql -d edb Step 2. Run the bash_profile by using sh …
PG_SHADOW is views its contains information about rolename and user password,user password validity,user connection limit and Role automatically inherits privileges of roles it is a member of,detailed information about user and privilege management. Name Type Description usename name User name …
PG_AUTHID is views its contains information about rolename and user password,user password validity,user connection limit and Role automatically inherits privileges of roles it is a member of,detailed information about user and privilege management. Name Type Description rolname name Role name …
In this blog we are going to talk about migrating from oracle to postgresql using ora2pg. After installing ora2pg tool, we will see how to configure and to run it to migrate our data. We are using an oracle 12C …
For an expert, free and no-obligation discussion of your support needs, leave us a message or call us on 08838953252 Understanding You and Your Business Anyone with the technical skills can provide support, but for truly great support you need someone who takes the …
Apart from being the number one Open-Source Enterprise level RDBMS, it is the biggest alternative to the top commercial database management software’s, without any licensing costs and vendor lock-ins. Migrating to the world’s best open source database helps your business …
PostgreSQL is an Open Source Database software, it is free to download and use. We understand the difficulty in finding the right candidate with the right experience in Postgres and we save you from that difficulty by providing a complete …
In my 5 years of IT experience as an Oracle DBA, I have been involved in many projects, learnt varied new technologies and added many certifications to my pool. But for reasons best known to me, I had to relocate …