Which penny stock has the strongest fundamentals, Vikas Ecotech or Vikas Lifecare?
Which penny stock has the strongest fundamentals, Vikas Ecotech or Vikas Lifecare? is compared in the following post.
Essentially, if you decided to compare the two companies from your point of view, you would realize that Vikas Life has significantly more fundamental values than Vikas Ecotech, aside from net profit. As demonstrated by the following details
- Vikash lifecare has 6 new businesses as of now.
- In Vikas Lifecare, FII purchased 12% of shares after the right issue, but only sold 2% of those shares from their holdings. In contrast, After the right issue,  FII sold 3.32% of shares in Vikas Ecotech and then purchased 1.08%.
- The promoter of Vikas Ecotech sold 6.5% of its shares, but the promoter of Vikas Lifecare only sold 2% of its shares after the right issue However, When compared to Vikas Ecotech, Vikas Life Promoter Holding is significantly greater as of now.
- Vikas Ecotech is unable to acquire any firm because it does not have as much cash flow as Vikas Life, and as of now, it must focus on debt reduction only. Vikas Life acquired three corporate businesses for prospective future expansion.
- Although Vikas lifecare had the highest sales in the second quarter of September, Vikas Life’s (2.49 Crore) profits fell behind those of Vikas Ecotech (3.54 Crore) as a result of the highest taxes paid. Vikas Ecotech paid 0.12L in taxes for this quarter, but Vikas Life paid 2.57 Crore.
- Vikas Ecotech reported a profit before tax of 3.68 crores whereas Vikas Life achieved a profit of 5.06 crores.
                     VIkas Lifecare Q2 result                   Â
VIkas Ecotech Q2 result
- As of September 2022, Vikas Ecotech is estimated to have debt totaling 151.33 crores and A market capitalization of 367.77 crores, while Vikas Life is estimated to have debt totaling 41.76 crores and a market capitalization of 663.49 crores.
- One of Vikas life’s subsidiary companies Genesis Gas Solutions Received its first-ever contract for laying Commercial Pipeline for Indian Oil – Adani Gas Pvt Ltd. Sources – https://www.equitybulls.com/category.php?id=317054
- Vikas Lifecare collaborates with the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU)-Varanasi and Sweden’s Stockholm University to produce cellulose, lignin, and silica from rice husk. sources – https://www.biofuelsdigest.com/bdigest/2022/10/20/vikas-lifecare-collaborates-with-partners-to-produces-cellulose-lignin-and-silica-from-rice-husk/
- Vikas Lifecare signs MoU with Amity University, Uttar Pradesh to implementation of technological innovations, ideas, molecules, formulations, products, etc with a special focus on Eco-friendly Plastics & Renewable Energy Sources. Sources – https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-cm/vikas-lifecare-signs-mou-with-amity-university-uttar-pradesh-122051300754_1.html
- Vikas Lifecare plans Rs 120 crore Capex to expand operations. Source – https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/healthcare/biotech/healthcare/vikas-lifecare-plans-rs-120-crore-capex-to-expand-operations/articleshow/90156327.cms?from=mdr
- Vikas Lifecare sets out to get technology transfer from a leading European entity for the recycling of Cross-Linked Poly Ethylene (XLPE). Sources – https://www.aninews.in/news/business/business/vikas-lifecare-sets-out-to-get-technology-transfer-from-a-leading-european-entity-for-recycling-of-cross-linked-poly-ethylene-xlpe20220125122431/
- Vikas Lifecare to launch a Rs 200 crore QIP, company to raise Rs 50 cr in 1st tranche. Sources – https://www.sangritoday.com/spotlight/vikas-lifecare-to-launch-a-rs-200-crore-qip-company-to-raise-rs-50-cr-in-1st-tranche