What is Trademark registration services ?
Trademark provided a registration of your company name and logo.
Trademark Registration
A trademark is a visual symbol that can be a word, name, numbers, label, color combination, etc., which is used by businesses to distinguish it’s services or products from other same goods or services which are manufactured in different businesses. Trademarks in India are listed by the Controller General of Patents Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. Trademarks are registered under the Trademark Act, 1999 and give the trademark owner the power to sue for losses when infringements of trademarks happen. Registered trademarks are intellectual property for the business, they are used to safeguard the company’s investment in the brand or symbol. It is mandatory for a company to register it’s chosen Trademark as it will act as a unique symbol for the products and services you provide.
Trademark Registration is done through RayaFeeL in Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Chennai & all other Indian cities. Offering a quality of trademark services like trademark filing, trademark search, trademark renewal, and patent registration, etc.
Benefits of Trademark Registration in India
Guards the Commercial Goodwill:
A trademark’s registered owner has a right to create, establish and protect the goodwill of his/her products or services. The owner can stop other traders from using his trademark unlawfully. One can also sue the infringer for dilution of the brand name and claim damages for any infringement.
Advertises Goods and Services:
Registering a trademark creates a face of the company or the goods and services. This helps to distinguish and facilitate brand creation. Most of the companies find their identity via trademark hence it pays a pivotal role in advertising and increases the brand value.
Legal Protection:
A registered trademark gives its owner a legal right in case of infringement. Not registering a trademark may leave the owner of the original brand name without any remedy.
Creation of an Asset:
Trademark registration in India creates an intangible asset. Registered TM can be sold, assigned, franchised or commercially contracted to bring benefits to the company or the individual proprietor.
GST Return Filing Solution..
Takes care of monthly, quarterly, and annual GST compliances
GSTR-1, GSTR-2(Purchase register), GSTR-3B, GSTR-6, GSTR-8, and GSTR-9
Handy and coherent navigation of options
Template repository
User friendly templates with highly explanatory attributes annexure
Validate, upload, and save- Just 3 steps to file any return
Comprehensible error description for quick rectification
Fast uprun from GST
Supports submission and filing of return with DSC
Supports bulk uploads and downloads in shortest time
Easy support seeking mechanism and dedicated support resource for speedy resolution of issues and grievances.